The Boulder Bun

Love or hate it, but here in Colorbrahdo you can’t ignore it.  I like to call it the “Boulder Bun.”  And no, I’m not talking about girls.   I’m referring to the phenomenon of boys refusing to get their thirteen-dollar haircut and getting in touch with our longhaired ancestors.  Although it’s been around for a long time, the man bun is becoming more prevalent than ever.  Let’s discuss.


A man with a bun.

Rewind three years ago and I would have been appalled to date anyone with long hair.  But times have changed, and so have I.  I remember the first time returning home to the east coast after living in Colorado and telling my friends about this style.  Their reactions were nothing short of eye rolls and laughter.  Yet, I’ve come to appreciate this mysterious man-do if you will.  Celebrites like Orlando Bloom and Brad Pitt even embrace the trend.


So let’s get a little more into this whole bun thing.  There are basically two options here: low bun and a high bun.  The low bun is typically seen among many boarder dudes.  This typically means they are laid back men who don’t seem to have many cares in the world other than shredding the fresh pow pow or smoking the reefer.   The high bun is a bit different.  You have to be comfortable enough with your sexuality to sport a high bun.  It involves a little more effort than the low bun and therefore comes across a little more feminine than the low bun.  I’m queen of the high bun and have been rocking it for well, decades, so I tend to be a bit more appreciative of this one.  However, both types are a sort of rebellion against the norm and kinda sexy.


Low vs. High. Which do you prefer?

Some may say that only girls should be rocking a bun.  I say, to each their own.  Maybe I will grow out of this phase and wake up with a “what the fuck was I thinking” epiphany.  Maybe not.  Afterall, it does come in handy when I forget a hair tie and can just ask my man for one.

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