When Life Gives You Lemons, Put Them In Your Water

Recently I got hit with a flu-like virus and spent too timelemon-water on the internet searching for home remedies.  I learned that lemons are extremely beneficial to our health and are full of vitamin b, vitamin c, fiber, iron and potassium.  (And here I was thinking that bananas were the only true source of potassium)  Plus, lemon water is simple, easy and inexpensive so no excuses.

Reasons lemon water is better

1. Helps build immune system

2. Flushes body of toxins

3.  Decreases blemishes

4.  Natural energizer

5.  Fights off viral infections

6.  Aids weight loss

7.  Relieves tooth pain and gingivitis

8.  Balances pH

9.  Relieves indigestion

10. Reduces inflammation

So make sure you are always that annoying person at restaurants who requests lemons with their water. 🙂



Boulder Is Pretty Rad

Saw this article about Boulder and thought I would share it.  Boulder gets a lot of  hate, but I must say this is one of the happiest, healthiest, funkiest places I’ve ever lived.  Yeah, we get shit on for liking kale and locally grown organic everything, but this town is nothing short of outdoor sports, music, good food and friendly people.  Read and learn bitches:

Boulder, Colorado 






2014: Resolutions Are Not Out of Style

Congrats!  You did it.  You made it to 2014.  Thinking back to the year Y2K when we bought out grocery stores in fear of something catastrophic happening, 2014 seemed too far away to possibly imagine.  It would be a time when cars could fly and average citizens could take trips to the moon.  Anyway its here, and with it comes new resolutions.

I’ve been thinking a lot about the New Year and and my feelings on resolutions.   Are they a load of bull shit?  Are they necessary?  Even though I can be terribly cycnical at times, I’ve decided that resolutions are benefical and everyone should make at least one.  Who the fuck cares if you don’t carry it through the whole year? It’s stupid to not try something or set a goal because you think you won’t achieve it.   And as Albert Cameus said, referring to the mythological Sisyphis rolling the rock up the hill, yet failing every time just before he reached the top:

“The struggle itself toward the heights is enough to fill a man’s heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy.”

I can’t seem to avoid lists, so here I go with a list of my top five New Years Resolutions of 2014.

1.  STAY POSITIVE:  One of the secrets to happy people is positive thinking.  Learning to control your thoughts is a lot easier said than done, but just like anything, it takes practice.  Do what you love.  Leave what makes you unhappy.  Be confident.  Buddha himself puts it simply:  What we think, we become.

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2.  Work Out:  Going to the gym is most likely America’s most popular resolution.  We like to get fat and then join gyms and sometimes make t.v. shows out of it.  I, myself, just joined the gym after a long hiatus and damn does it feel good.  Working out doesn’t have to be dreadful.  Make a playlist that motivates you. (ahem Eminem kills it) Find fitness classes that are fun.  Jo and I did a zumba class together and almost had to leave we were laughing so hard.  Hell, push yourself to find God in a 6 am spin class.  Fuck the regulars who love to hate on the so-called “resolutioners.”  Everyone was new to the gym at some point.

If you haven’t heard about the Instagram sensation Jen Selter, then you should.  She has more than 1 million followers and takes fitness photos of her ass.  That’s right.  Her ass is out of this effin world so if you need some inspiration to work out, take a peep:  Lovely lady lumps



Our favorite goddess, Beyonce, working out

3. Eat better:  I don’t just love food, but I love greasy, unhealthy junk food.  I’m lactose intolerant, but can’t stay away from cheese.  All this comfort eating leads me to feeling constantly fatigued and to put it lightly, fat.  Eating healthier and greener will be my biggest challenge, but so will not fitting into my jeans because I can’t put the fried food down.

You are what you eat, so don’t be fast, cheap or fake. (BURNNNNN)

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4.  Drink less:  This will be another huge challenge for me.  It’s not necessarily that I binge drink (most of my binge drinking was left at college), its that I drink casually all the time.  I can def. relate to alcoholics when I say I love alcohol when I wake up, during the day, and before I go to bed.  My once flat stomach is gone and I blame it on the ah ah ah ah alcohol.  Time to replace the fresh, ice cold beer with a fresh smoothie.  Here is a website that shows the amount of calories in whatever drink you desire:  Get Drunk, Not Fat.


Sounds familiar

5.  Less social media:  Need I say more?  I went without my iphone for a week and realized how addicted I was to sharing my life.  I felt disconnected and out of the loop.  I’m so guilty of loving social media, but at the end of the day it’s nothing more than a huge waste of time.  How many times do I look at people’s status updates and get so annoyed, yet keep logging on.  In fact, my friends and I love to screenshot ridiculous statuses and send them to each other.  And nothing pisses me off more than the “I love you friends” statuses.  I don’t think anyway felt a bit more loved because of your dumb status.  Why don’t you go call your friend and tell them instead.  I think Facebook is a poison that is literally killing brain cells.  Yes its entertaining, yes its amusing, but seriously go put your face in a book instead.  Don’t get me wrong though, its a great use of sharing and spreading information so if thats your purpose, then two thumbs up.

Facebook makes us sadder. (CLICK AND READ BITCH. NPR TIME)


