Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to Bangkok I go!

Here’s the truth: I’m actually not that cool. I talk a lot about being a gypsy, living a vagabond lifestyle, going with the flow, taking life as it comes…I don’t actually do that very much. I’m feeling particularly truthful because … Continue reading

Seven Things To Do Instead of Watching Football

Ah, its that time of year again. Pumpkin spiced lattes, oversized sweaters, Amanda Bynes is back in the psych ward and football. Oh wait, I don’t care about football. I know I should considering I grew up 15 minutes from where the New England Patriots played, but I just can’t get into it. I read once that theres only 11 minutes of actual play in a football game. I just can’t do the whole stop and go every second. (I can’t even)

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Grumpy cat knows best

Since my boyfriend is an avid Eagles fan and football Sunday is inevitable, I have made of list of other things to do while he shouts at the television:

  1. Cook: If anything, football Sunday is a definitely a chance to show off your cooking skills. Last Sunday I made spinach artichoke dip with goat cheese. Yumm.
  1. Give yourself a manicure: Because that chipped nail polish needs to go. I had my nails done by a 6 year old (alternating different shades of orange) and while it was cute, it was also the opposite of cute. Having good nails ain’t just for secretaries. Right now I’m into mocha nails.

These nails are too pretty to be mine.

  1. Nap: Sunday after noon naps. Need I say more?


4.  Bury yourself in a book: I know its hard to find time to read in our oh so busy lives, but curling up with a book and a cup of tea is just so zen. I just finished Wild (it was OKAY). Although I’m a huge fan of self-transformational books, this book was kind of slow and seemed like one long hike. (probably because it was one long hike) Now I’m reading a biography of                   Cleopatra by Duane Roller.


5.  Clean: Put on Pandora and clean your bathroom because I’m sure it needs to be cleaned. Here are some of my fav  Pandora Stations:  Florence and the Machine, Paul Simon, Hip Hop BBQ, The XX, Devil Makes Three, 70s funk. Pretty much anything I can sing along to.  Click here for some awesome cleaning tunes by Pumpkin.

  1. Sunday Funday: Because day drinking on a fall sunny day and passing out early can be good for the soul. If you live in Boulder, The Kitchen Next Door has half of pitchers of beers and wine bottles after 6pm. The Bohemian Biergarten has comedy on Sunday nights and of course The Boulder Café has happy hour all night.

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  1. Go to the movies: catch a matinee movie for cheap. I just saw Gone Girl which was originally a book by Gillian Flynn. The movie was suspenseful and dark and just as good as the book. (well played Ben Affleck, well played)


Mercury in Retrograde: Survival tips for the strange

Mercury is in retrograde and everyone is freaking the fuck out.  It’s been my experience that Mercury in retrograde has had a much stronger effect the past few years, probably due to social media and the internet, because most people … Continue reading